SkinElly MESO and SkinElly Meso Extra hyaluronic acid gels have a wide range of biological effects and are designed to correct key pathogenesis links of involutional skin changes and to solve dermatological problems.

SkinElly MESO and SkinElly MESO Extra gels restore the hydroreserve, prevent involutional changes, and maintain skin elasticity and tone.

The unique physicochemical properties of the products, due to the carefully selected raw materials and the structure (high concentration of HA, molecular weight and "intellectual crosslinking" with the formation of natural crosslinks by the photoinitiation method), make the product structure denser, slowing down the biodegradation of hyaluronic acid and metabolic processes initiated by action free radicals, thus increasing the duration of action of the products in the skin.
SkinElly MESO
SkinElly MESO and SkinElly MESO Extra have a remodeling effect, achieving potent activation and stimulation of skin renewal and hydration processes and restoring its beauty and youth. After the therapy course, the skin microrelief density, and turgor are restored, surface wrinkles are leveled, the skin quality improves, and the involutional processes in the dermis slow down.

SkinElly MESO and SkinElly MESO Extra have a remodeling effect, achieving potent activation and stimulation of skin renewal and hydration, restoring its beauty and youth. After the therapy course, the skin microrelief, density, and turgor are restored, surface wrinkles are leveled, the depth of medium wrinkles is noticeably reduced, the skin quality improves, and the involutional processes in the dermis slow down.
SkinElly MESO extra